April 3, 2025

Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs, CO
April 3, 2025

Master Self-Defense In Hours, Not Years…

OPDEF Live is a simple, powerful spy self-defense system that works for adults (and children!) of any fitness level, even if you’ve never trained before!

What is OPDEF Live ?

OPDEF Live is a one-of-a-kind live, in-person workshop designed to teach regular, everyday people a powerful, effective self-defense system the elite intelligence, law enforcement, and military agencies train their members in.

You’ll spend a full day with our team of ex-CIA, FBI, and Special Forces operatives, who will teach you how to protect yourself and your loved ones in a real, harsh, and cruel world.

As a result, you’ll have more pride, confidence, and peace-of-mind than you ever thought possible.

And you’ll have a personal defense system you can use for the rest of your life, share with your spouse, and even pass to your children.

What You Get with OPDEF Live?

  • In person training with Elite Level Operators ($2,997 value). Over 50 simple, powerful, and easy-to-remember self-defense tactics with real-world demos, step-by-step instruction, and detailed lessons – approved for the whole family from grandkids to grandparents.
  • Physical Self-Defense Manual ($297 value). The complete written guide for the OPDEF spy self-defense system, including more than 30 unique self-defense movements currently in-use by elite intel operators worldwide.
  • 7 Most Effective Self-Defense Tools ($47 value). This special report shares 7 highly effective (and little-known) self-defense tools you can carry in your pocket – the best-of-the-best in modern tech, everyday carry, and covert protection.
  • BONUS: The Intel Operator’s Guide to Non-Lethal Weapons. ($97). Elite police and military units are moving away from lethal firearms in favor of non-lethal alternatives. Learn the benefits, challenges, and technical use of the world’s leading non-lethal weapons.



​Former CIA Covert Field Officer


Retired Navy SEAL, Team 6 Operator


Having been in uniform before, I wish I had this training sooner. It gives you so many options to protect yourself and your loved ones. Anybody of any age or background can
learn this.


I didn’t think I had any personal power. OPDEF helped me feel like an empowered, independent woman.
I don’t have to rely on anyone to protect myself.


I feel GREAT.
As a dad and a partner, I actually feel ready to protect my family.
OPDEF made me ready to live my life, it went beyond what I expected.


Limited-Time Offer!

I’m offering this limited offer only for those who recognize how important these skills are – for protecting yourself, your family, and your future.

Now you can experience the same confidence and control that intel and military operators feel everyday… enjoy it!

OPDEF Live Is How You Protect What You Care About…

If you were attacked today, would you know what to do?

What if your spouse, child, or aging parent was attacked instead – are they prepared to defend themselves?

For most people answering honestly, the answer is ‘no’.

One unexpected event can change the course of your life forever...

  • Confident men can get turned into traumatized men
  • Bold women can become broken women
  • Happy children can transform into scared children… and never recover

You are smart, successful and you’ve built a life and legacy to be proud of.

Too often, high-achieving people mastering their career or building their business also overlook personal security.

Life moves fast, and you spend years focused on building success, not protecting it.

Bad actors notice your success – they see your nice car, your big house, and your loving family. And they see opportunity…

OPDEF Live gives you the self-defense skills and tools you need to protect a lifetime of health, wealth, smiles and hugs… so nobody can ever take away what you value most.

OPDEF Live Is NOT Martial Arts!

For more than 30 years, martial arts schools have been selling you empty promises about self-defense.

  • Confident men can get turned into traumatized men
  • Bold women can become broken women
  • Happy children can transform into scared children… and never recover

What these schools won’t tell you is that martial arts can actually land you in jail.

Say you are attacked and fight back using martial arts.

After a few seconds, you have your attacker on the ground bloody and in a text-book arm-bar crying mercy…

That's the magic of martial arts, right?!

When the police arrive, what do they see? They see you, adrenaline pumping through the roof and standing over an injured person. There are no witnesses. It’s your story against theirs…

When your attacker says YOU were the aggressor, you end up getting put into cuffs.

You don't need to become a threat to defend yourself.

OPDEF gives you the skills to stop an attacker – FAST – without hurting them or having to worry about legal blowback.

These simple self-defense tactics are taught to intel agencies because they work – no matter your size, fitness level, or training experience.

And now, you can master these life-changing methods on your own time, from the comfort of your own home.

OPDEF Live is a complete self-defense course based on elite intel and military tactics developed during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

These skills are the gold standard used by all Western intel agencies, including CIA, MI6, Mossad, Canadian Intel, and Aussie Intel.

OPDEF Live teaches you step-by-step, using simple, effective self-defense tactics that are easy to remember and powerful in the field:​

Instant ways to break out of arm, hair, and body grabs so you can take back control

Lightning-fast strikes that stun and stop your aggressor, impacting them without injuring them​

Simple muscle memory movements that become impossible to forget, so the methods are there when you need them most

Spies need to blend in anywhere AND be able to stop an attack quickly… so do you.

Now you can.

OPDEF Live gives you the spy self-defense blueprint that isn’t taught anywhere else!

The Secret Of OPDEF lIVE:
Spy Self-Defense

The power of OPDEF Live lies in the science of ‘biomechanical advantage’.

Your body is both living (aka: ‘biological’) and a machine (aka: ‘mechanical’).

When you learn how to use mechanical leverage to exploit biological pressure points, you get an incredible advantage over anyone who would do you harm… no matter how big, strong, or mean they may be.

OPDEF Live lets you STOP a 250-pound attacker even if you've never thrown a punch in your life.

​No complicated techniques. No confusing theories.

These are the skills being taught to Navy SEALS, CIA Operatives, FBI Special Agents and more in secret schools around the world RIGHT NOW…

Because OPDEF Live works for all body types, all ages, and all fitness levels. You can learn it fast, remember it always, and use it when you need it.

And now, you can master these methods at home, on your own time.

Because OPDEF Live works for all body types, all ages, and all fitness levels. You can learn it fast, remember it always, and use it when you need it.

And now, you can master these methods at home, on your own time.




I’m so confident that OPDEF Live will massively boost your safety and confidence that I offer an unbelievable 100% money-back guarantee: If you are not blown away by the knowledge, skills and tools in OPDEF Live, tell my team and I will REFUND YOUR MONEY IMMEDIATELY

​You have nothing to lose, and a whole new world to gain.

OPDEF Live isn’t just your self-defense system – it is your personal safety transformation.

You can redefine your self-image, confidence and capability in a matter of hours.

Know that you are ready for the worst because you’ve trained with the BEST in the world.

Get the BEST VALUE, the BEST TRAINING, and enjoy the BEST LIFE you have worked so hard to build – ACT NOW because the price goes up soon...


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